Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Please Excuse My Poor Etiquette
8:00ish - wake up (yes, I know I am extremely lucky with this time! Thank you, cereal!)
diaper change X 3
bottle X 3 (thankfully Ryan is around to help with this one!)
9:00 - a little Baby Einstein so I can eat a quick bite, wash bottles, etc.
10:00 - bath time X 3 and usually a little rocking
12:00 - diaper, bottle, nap in swing, repeat 2 more times
2:00 - shower for me! and any other "chores" I can get done while they are napping
upon them waking, we try to do some kind of activities (walk, pool or just toys here)
4:00 - bottles again!
8:00 - diapers, pj's, cereal, bottles, bed! (oh yeah, X 3!)
Then after they are all in dreamland it's more washing bottles, etc. Thankfully, Ryan makes the formula and "porridge" as he calls their cereal. Oh yeah, I try to fit in some time to eat as well! Not complaining in the least...I love my "job"! Just wish I had someone to clean up and cook for me! haha!
I also have to give a "shout out" to my mom and sister...without them, I'd be a bumbling, smelly mess! They have helped me so much and came to my rescue on many occasions!
So, back to what this post was meant to be about, I apologize sincerely for my lack of Thank You notes to those that have sent the most generous gifts! I DO plan on getting them out at some point...PROMISE!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wow...almost 5 months already?!?!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
We're Here...Just Busy...
Here is a pic of all three, at 3 months old:
Lainey - she is an angel! She is the kind of baby that makes you want to have a dozen more! She is long and skinny with lots of blonde curly hair (at least when it's wet it's curly). She was born the heaviest and she is now the little peanut, though she is the longest, she weighs the least (they will be weighed on Thursday before their Synagis shot but I think she is close to, if not 9lbs)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Big Day
Emery - well, she is home! She is still our tiniest, weighing in at 4lbs 7oz. It was a little scary discussing her discharge but we finally felt comfortable (well as comfortable as we were gonna be) with bringing her home on oxygen and an apnea monitor. The monitor is only for when we are not directly with her (if she is sleeping in the pack and play in the other room or if it is night time and we are sleeping too). She had a few visitors today, Grandma and Grandpa Miller, Grandma (Umma) Kolb, Aunt Lissy and Tommy. Ryan's mom brought over a yummy dinner for us (thank you!). My dad put together a swing and helped with the whole oxygen delivery/set up. Tomorrow will be a big day too...cousins Spencer and Isabella will be meeting her for the very first time!
George - he is a little "lighter" after yesterday...aka, he had his circumcision. Poor little dude! He is 4lbs 11oz. Rumor has it, he may be coming home on Sunday. George will also be on oxygen and an apnea monitor, same as his sister. He is so darn handsome! I know there will be a lot of sad NICU nurses when this little heartbreaker goes home!
Lainey - previously in "the lead", our little blondie decided to slow down on her feeds and throw in a few apnea events for good measure. I think she wanted to let her brother and sister catch up to her so she wouldn't be leaving them! Then she let them pass her up! She is doing much better though. She is on room air (no oxygen) so her work is a little harder during feeding time. She is in the lead weight-wise though...5lbs 5oz! She has the most edible chubby cheeks! She may be able to come home on Monday...if she doesn't have any events that require stimulation to bring her heart rate back up. That would be a week event-free (well, events that require stims that is).
I am a little tired, so sorry, but no pics right now. I will try to download them tomorrow.
It is going to get a little harder for a few days, going between a baby at home and 2 in the hospital. My mom and dad went to the hospital tonight to snuggle with them. They also went last night so Ryan and I could have one last date night!
It is going to be so bittersweet when we bring the last baby home. We have had some truly wonderful nurses! It has been 7 weeks in the NICU and we have become so close to these nurses, doctors and respiratory therapists. I am going to do the March of Dimes walk with the hospital NICU team in April and the NICU reunion is in May. It seems strange to think about how much I am looking forward to these events and we still have 2 babies in there! haha!
Well, off to enjoy some "down time" before the next feeding!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
At Long Last, Another Update
Sorry for the long delay in updating the blog...I need to find a couple extra hours in the day! The stronger and bigger the babies are getting, the more I am at the NICU and being "hands on" with their care, feedings, etc. Here is the latest rundown on each baby.
George George...sweet George. He has all the NICU nurses loving him! He is quite the charmer. I think it comes from his tough beginning, everyone was pulling for him and he has made leaps and bounds in his recovery. Our little guy who we could barely touch when he was first born and after his surgery has become quite the little cuddler. He melts my heart! George is weighing in at 4 pounds!!! I think he will catch up to his big sister soon...he was on some medication to clear up his "hazey" lungs so he has been peeing out a lot of fluid lately. We are waiting to give George bottles until he is off the CPAP entirely and we can move his feeding tube to his nose. He was off CPAP for a day or so, but he was getting tired so he is on the CPAP for 3 hours, then on the cannula for 6, alternating. Boy, does he LOVE his cannula! He is breastfeeding as well...he is definitley a "boob man" as he puts his sisters to shame in this department! haha! He does so well with it and also goes after his pacifier with a vengeance. He also HATES to have a messy diaper and he will always let you know when it's time for a clean diaper!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Another Update...as promised!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Quick Update
George, not happy...they were checking his nose to make sure the CPAP isn't irritating it too much:
Sweet little Emery in her big girl gown:
Our little blondie, Elaina:
Here are some new Kangaroo Care pictures too.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
No More Vent!!!
Here he is with his CPAP:
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Two Week Update