Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yet One Step Closer...

Yesterday I welcomed a old friend, Aunt Flo. She hadn't visited since March, since I was on the lovely Lupron Depot, it kept her at bay. What does this mean, you ask? It means tomorrow I turn into a sticker-book (remember those?!). I'm already a pin-cushion, now I get to paste my abdomen with estrogen patches! It starts with one at a time and builds to four at a time! I will replace them with fresh "stickers" every other day. Should make for some fantastic tan lines!! Not that anyone really sees my tummy (we have a pool so I am only really in a bathing suit at my own house!) but it will be interesting! If anyone catches a glimpse, they will think I 1-need to quit smoking, 2-am trying to lose weight, 3-am on that new birth control and maybe just a 4th for good measure! haha!

I am excited to be yet another step closer!!


Baltimom513 said...

HOOORAY!!!!!!! Lisa, I would totally play up the stories with the patches - it couls make for some good gossip around the neighborhood! ;0)

Christi said...

Exciting! good luck with your FET, I'm sure you are beyond anxious...