Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cankles or Kankles?!?!

There seems to be a debate between my husband and I...is it "cankles" or "kankles"? Not that this is important (and yes, they are still there!) but my definition is this:
cankles - calf/ankle blends together...his is kankles - knee/ankle no definition between the two. Now, for the record, I still have ankles...they are just much bigger than my normal shapely little ones...hey, gotta take credit for whatever is still shapely...well, whatever is not the shape "round"! haha! Though, they aren't very shapely anymore, but oh well! The doctor still isn't concerned. I am taking it easy though. Especially after the holidays. Before the holidays I am resting up until we have to go to whichever celebration we are going to and when there, for the most part, I'm sitting down...sometimes with my feet up, depending on where we are!
Thanks, in advance, for your "vote" on this debate (I say this because I think I'm right...and I love being right!) :P


MasonTripletsPlusOne said...

Yes, I think it's cankles and it's a ugly price to pay for your sweet babies. I didn't get them untill a few weeks before I delivered. I'm guessing had it there been something big going on it may have happened sooner.


Shannen&Makena said...

Oh, it's definitely cankles! Sorry Ryan!

Anonymous said...

I frequent many pregnancy message boards and website, and it's definitely cankles! (Yay! I love being right too!)

KRISTA said...

Sorry Ryan.

Baltimom513 said...

Absolutely, cankles. ;0)

Justi said...

Cankles, for sure!

Justine H said...

Its cankles - calf and ankles combined. Sorry Ryan!
Hope you are doing okay Lisa
Justine & Lola

Unknown said...

Kankles is a Lithuanian box harp! 😀