Monday, March 24, 2008


Off the subject of IVF, Denver was actually pretty fun. My mom was with me Monday thru Saturday. She has never been to Denver, but more than that, it was awesome to just have some one-on-one mother/daughter time. We went to our share of malls (there are plenty in Denver!) and a "road trip" to Colorado Springs to visit my bff and her family. We watched chick flicks, ate and just hung out. It was perfect!

While there, I also met a new friend. I was waiting for a blood draw one day and we started chatting for a few minutes. Then I saw her later at acupuncture. We quickly realized we had a lot in common...her last name is my maiden name, we both have PCOS, her mom's name was going to be my mom's name (long story, involves the movie Mildred Peirce!) and we were both from Michigan and go to the same acupuncurist here too! She is very sweet and I know this was not the last I will see of her!

Then Ryan got to Denver on Saturday. By this point I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable and "full" feeling. We still did a lot though. We took another trip to Colorado Springs, went to the U.S. Mint, more malls and more eating! ha! I was exhausted most of the time at this point and took almost daily naps...which I never do! I just could not keep my eyes open mid-afternoon!

All in all, it was a good trip...the weather was to die for! 50's-70's and sunny every single day but one! It was good to come home and see the rest of our family and our dog, Thor, but we flew in to a snow storm, yup, in late March! But it is still good to be home!

1 comment:

Baltimom513 said...

Lisa, ok - so, I did more than peek! I read each and every word of your are such a strong woman and I can guarantee you, the prize at the end of this race will be more amazing than you can imagine! I am pulling for you sweetie.
